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( 来源:   发布日期:2022-12-07 阅读:次)

题目:Divide and Conquer: A Hygienic, Efficient, and Reliable Assembly Line for Housekeeping






Rowan Wang (王宇) is an Associate Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (南方科技大学). Rowan's research interests include operational system analysis and control; practice-based operational design and optimization; data-driven research on socially responsible and China-focused operations; and business operations innovation and development. His works have been published in journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management


This work focuses on the hotel housekeeping process. In a field study, a possible channel of disease transmission between consecutive guests in hotel rooms is revealed. In order to prevent the transmission, an innovative assembly-line housekeeping method is developed. To carefully design the assembly-line process, the service time distribution of each housekeeping operational step is characterized using data collected from the practice at hundreds of hotel rooms. An optimization model is proposed to optimize the operation. Through a pilot test, the performance of the new and traditional housekeeping methods are compared. The results show that the assembly-line housekeeping process achieves significant improvement in not only hygienic standards but also labor efficiency and service quality (error rate). 

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