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( 来源:   发布日期:2024-04-11 阅读:次)

题目:Explicit-implicit method for susceptible-infected-recovered model

报告人:  胡耀忠

报告时间:2024年4月16(周二)  9:00-10:30



       胡耀忠自大学毕业后在李国平院士的指导下,开始从事系统科学、随机力学等领域的研究,后长期从事概率统计,随机系统的理论及其在金融、工程、量子物理中的应用研究。 1984年从中国科学院武汉数学物理研究所硕士毕业后,留在所里工作,先后于1986底-1988初和1991年初-1992年初两次派往法国,师从国际上著名概率学家P.A.Meyer从事随机分析研究,并于1992年初在法国取得博士学位。2017年8月起到加拿大Alberta大学任Centennial Professor。 在概率统计领域的一流期刊等发表论文近180多篇。 2015年当选为美国统计研究院会士(Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics).


       In this talk, I will present an explicit-implicit method to numerically solve the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model driven by Brownian motion. It is known that the components of solution of this system are positive and the sum is given by a known (random) quantity. Our scheme preserves the positivity and sums to a known random process property. The idea is to introduce a transformation to transform the SIR model into a differential system without the diffusion item. Then we apply an implicit numerical method to the newly obtained differential equation and show that the convergence order of our scheme is 1.0. The inverse transform will yield the convergence order 1.0 for the original SIR model. We confirm numerically our theoretical result by showing an example.

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