题目: Experimental Design for Reliability Testing
时间:2021年12月15日(周三), 10:00—11:00
讲座ID:485 580 496
报告人:Rong Pan(Arizona State University, U.S.A.)
While experimental design has been used extensively and successfully in industry to aid in quality achievement, there have been fewer successful applications in reliability. Experiments in reliability are inherently different from most other industrial experiments. Most notably, lifetimes usually do not follow a normal distribution, which is often the assumption made in the usual design of experiment. Censoring, the termination of a life test before all units have failed, is often present in life testing experiments. This incomplete information must be considered when analyzing lifetime data. Finally, the mean response, and sometimes the variability of the response, are the main quantities of interest in most experiments for quality improvement; but for reliability improvement, other quantities, such as the percentiles of the distribution, are of interest.
In this talk, I will describe and illustrate methods for designing and analyzing reliability experiments, particularly, accelerated life testing.
Rong Pan is currently the chair of Data Science, Analytics and Engineering (DSAE) PhD Program in School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence at Arizona State University. He received his doctoral degree in Industrial Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 2002. His research interests include quality and reliability engineering, design of experiments, time series analysis, and statistical learning theory. He has published articles on Journal of Quality Technology, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, IISE Transactions, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, etc. His past research and educational projects were supported by National Science Foundation (NSF), Science Foundation of Arizona (SFAz), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and Department of Education (DoEd).
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