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( 来源:   发布日期:2024-11-27 阅读:次)

题目: Sequential Inference in Multiple Bubble Regimes


报告时间:2024年12月16日  14:00

地点: 综合楼615会议室




This paper considers sequential inference in a nonstationary autoregressive process with cyclical structural breaks, which describes financial bubble periods consisting of the normal market period, economic exuberance and market crash. Each time series period begins with a unit root process, then transits to a mildly explosive process and eventually becomes a mildly integrated process. A two-step sequential least squares procedure is proposed to estimate the break dates.  The first step identifies all the bubble collapse dates sequentially by minimizing the squared error loss, while the second step estimates the remaining breaks in samples split by the bubble collapse date estimates. The convergence rates and asymptotic distributions of break date estimators are derived. Finite sample simulations demonstrate that our method enjoys superior detection rates for bubble periods, improved computational efficiency and estimation accuracy for break dates. The empirical analysis of the S&P 500 stock price index successfully identifies the black Monday in 1987, the dot-com bubble and the subprime mortgage crisis.

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